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NGO Visa
Basic Requirements


Visa Fee

Who are eligible to apply:

An individual who appointed in a NGOs registered in Bangladesh, is eligible to apply for NGO visa. "FN" visa for family member(s) of "N" visa holder. If the applicant apply for family member, must provide a document such as copies of marriage certificate for proofing of spouse or birth certificate for children. Employment in Bangladesh paid or unpaid is prohibited for "FN" visa holder.

The eligible person of this category of visa, who has:

a.    A letter of appointment with full terms, designation, conditions and salary details from the registered NGO (where the applicant is going to join) in Bangladesh;

b.    A recommendation letter from the NGO Affairs Bureau of Bangladesh mentioning applicant's passport number;

c.    A letter from concern organization in the USA mentioning the applicant's position in the organization, passport number and the purpose of visit to Bangladesh.

Duration of visa:

An NGO "N" Visa may be issued for maximum three (03) months with single, double or multiple entries. Duration of stay in this category is maximum 90 days in each visit.

Extension of visa:

With reference to the local sponsor and police clearance certificate, visa could be extended from the “Department of Immigration and Passport” (DIP), Dhaka, Bangladesh up to three (03) years.

Visa Processing Fee: 

US $190.00  Click Here for details.

Other Visas