Welcome to the Embassy's Website! Click on bold texts for details: Latest Public Notice ** Submitted Application's Status ** Upcoming Holiday Notice ** Please email to consular.bdusa@gmail.com for Dead Body Repatriation, Attestation, Power of Attorney, Birth Certificate, and other consular matters ** For Passport, Visa, NVR, Dual Nationality and Travel Permit related queries, please email to pvwing.washdc@gmail.com ** Please always check Office Hours and Holidays to avoid any inconveniences *


MRP/EPP against Lost Passport

If you have lost your most recent Bangladeshi passport, please do not worry. You just need to report to the concerned police station. Once you receive the police report clearly mentioning lost item as Bangladeshi passport no............., the remaining process of application for an MRP or e-passport is same as in case of a general applicant.

In case of MRP reissue, please follow this link: https://washington.mofa.gov.bd/en/site/page/Re-issue-of-Machine-Readable-Passport--MRP-

In case of e-passport, please follow this link: https://washington.mofa.gov.bd/en/site/page/E-passport

Notice on Passport for further communications.


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