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Dual Nationality Certificate (DNC)

How to Apply for Dual Nationality Certificate

The applicants can apply online directly to Security Services Division of the Ministry of Home Affairs following the link below:


Those applying from abroad do not need the non-judicial stamp of 300 taka. You can use the Affidavit form attached below and get it notarized by any Notary Public or officer of Bangladesh mission's abroad.

If the applicant is not born in Bangladesh or does not have a Bangladeshi passport or NID or birth certificate, you need to attach the applicant's birth certificate that shows the name of the parent(s) together with a Bangladeshi passport or NID or Birth certificate or dual nationality certificate of at least one parent.

In this online application system, you can fill in the application form, attach supporting documents, and make e-payment (DNC fee $77.00+ payment processing charge $3.00) by debit/credit card. After completion of the entire process, a pdf copy of the issued certificate will be generated in the system; and then you can download it and make a colour printout. The whole process may take around 3 to 6 months. Previously in the manual system, it used to take more than a year.

If you face any technical problem while submitting online application, you may contact System Analyst, ICT Cell, Security Services Division, Ministry of Home Affairs, Dhaka (sa@ssd.gov.bd).

Some Relevant Information on Dual Citizenship in the context of Bangladesh and the USA

According to Section 2B(2) of The Bangladesh Citizenship (Temporary Provisions) Order, 1972 (President's Order no. 149 of 1972), "The Government may grant citizenship of Bangladesh to any person who is a citizen of any state of Europe or North America or of any other state which the Government may, by notification in the official Gazette, specify in this behalf".

Naturalised citizens of the following countries having Bangladeshi origin are eligible to apply for dual nationality certificate:

– North America

• USA and Canada (SRO No. 270/2008, Gazetted on 23 Sep 2008)

– Europe

• All countries of Europe (SRO No. 270/2008, Gazetted on 23 Sep 2008)

• UK (SRO No. 69/2008, Gazetted on 17  March 2008)

– Asia

• Hong Kong, Singapore, Malaysia, Brunei, South Korea and Japan (SRO No. 27/2012, Gazetted on 22  January 2012)

 While taking naturalisation oath of allegiance to the United States of America, an individual is required to "absolutely and entirely renounce and abjure all allegiance and fidelity to any foreign ... state, sovereignty".


So the Bangladeshi citizens who are naturalised as US citizens lose their Bangladeshi citizenship at the time of naturalisation. If they want to get back their Bangladeshi citizenship, they are required to apply for Dual Nationality Certificate (DNC).

According to US Department of State -- Bureau of Consular Affairs,

  • The concept of dual nationality means that a person is a national of two countries at the same time.
  • Dual nationals owe allegiance to both the United States and the foreign country.
  • They are required to obey the laws of both countries, and either country has the right to enforce its laws.
  • U.S. nationals, including dual nationals, must use a U.S. passport to enter and leave the United States.


For those who submitted the application manually, if your dual nationality certificate has arrived at the Embassy and you need to send a prepaid USPS priority or express return envelope (A4 size), please mail it to the following address:

Embassy of Bangladesh

Attention: DNC

3510 International Drive NW

Washington, DC 20008

For Further Query:

Please email to pvwing.washdc@gmail.com; washdc.dnc@gmail.com

For tracking the status of the manually submitted application:

Please check with your US passport number at bdembassyusatracking.org


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