Welcome to the Embassy's Website! Click on bold texts for details: Latest Public Notice ** Submitted Application's Status ** Upcoming Holiday Notice ** Please email to consular.bdusa@gmail.com for Dead Body Repatriation, Attestation, Power of Attorney, Birth Certificate, and other consular matters ** For Passport, Visa, NVR, Dual Nationality and Travel Permit related queries, please email to pvwing.washdc@gmail.com ** Please always check Office Hours and Holidays to avoid any inconveniences *


Honorary Consulates

Honorary Consuls of Bangladesh in the USA


Mr. Thomas Blaise Coleman
Honorary Consul of Bangladesh in New Orleans
321 St. Charles Avenue, New Orleans, LA 70130
Tel. (504) 586-8300
E-mail: tbs@colemanoffice.com

Mr. Monir Choudhury
Honorary Consul of Bangladesh in Illinois
5230 N Leclaire Ave., Chicago, IL 60630
Tel. (773) 796-8292 (Office)
(773) 443-8647 or (773) 600-0667 (Cell)
E-mail: monirc.honconsul@gmail.com

Mr. M. Jan Rumi
Honorary Consul of Bangladesh in Hawaii
1419 16th Avenue, Honolulu, Hawaii 96816
Tel. (808) 383-2597 (Cell)
E-mail: mjrumi@hotmail.com