Welcome to the Embassy's Website! Click on bold texts for details: Latest Public Notice ** Submitted Application's Status ** Upcoming Holiday Notice ** Please email to consular.bdusa@gmail.com for Dead Body Repatriation, Attestation, Power of Attorney, Birth Certificate, and other consular matters ** For Passport, Visa, NVR, Dual Nationality and Travel Permit related queries, please email to pvwing.washdc@gmail.com ** Please always check Office Hours and Holidays to avoid any inconveniences *


Travel Permit (TP)

Travel permit (TP) is issued only in case of going back to Bangladesh when the applicant does not have a valid passport and does not have adequate time to wait for making a new passport. After returning to Bangladesh, if that person wants to leave Bangladesh, s/he must get a valid passport.

Travel permit remains valid for 3 (three) months from the date of issuance.

The applicant must have a Bangladeshi machine readable passport (MRP) or e-passport. The Embassy is unable to process/issue a Travel Permit in favour of the hand-written passport holder. The hand-written passport holder can apply for e-passport which takes 45 to 60 working days to deliver.


a. Duly filled-in Application Form; 

b. Color photographs 3-copies with white background taken recentlly.

c. The most recent Bangladeshi passport and a photocopy of its main information page.

d. If the passport is lost, a police report stating the passport was lost.  

Fee: 5 business days for Regular delivery  (US$ 14.30). For Urgent delivery: US$ 27.50 (delivery on next business day after receiving the application)

Method of payment: Please pay to the “Embassy of Bangladesh’’ in the format of Money Order/Cashier Check/Official Check (not older than 30 days). Cash or Personal check or Credit card is not accepted. Every application must be submitted with a separate money order or cashier's check or official check even if the applications belong to one family or group. 

NO REFUNDS: Fees once received, cannot be refunded, even if the application is withdrawn or service cannot be rendered.

Click Here for Service Hours of Walk-in.

Service by Mail: Applicants may send their application by mail (USPS only). If so, the applicant must provide a self-addressed return envelope (prepaid/with appropriate postage stamps) and tracking number of USPS Priority/Express Mail. Applicants belonging to same mailing address can send their applications together in one envelope and enclose one return envelope. 

Mailing Address:

Embassy of Bangladesh
Attention: Travel Permit
3510 International Drive NW
Washington, DC 20008

For further inquiry:

Email: washdctp@gmail.com


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