Visa fees are determined on the basis of reciprocity with the country of the foreign national seeking visa. Please pay money order/cashier's check/official check (not older than 30 days) addressed to the “Embassy of Bangladesh, Washington, DC’’, if the passport is an ordinary or private one. Cash or personal check or online payment or credit card is not accepted. Every application must be submitted with a separate money order or cashier's check or official check even if the applications belong to one family or group.
Visa fee for most types of visas for the U.S. ordinary/private passport holder is US$160.00. For Employment / Missionary / NGO (E or E1 / M / N) visa, it is US$190.00.
There is no visa processing fee for Diplomatic/Official/Service/UN Passport holders if their application is supported by a Note Verbal/Official Letter from the US Department of State/UN and its affiliated organization, international or regional organizations/bodies.
Separate visa processing fees are applicable for nationals of other countries. Applicants from outside the USA, may send an international money order/cashier's check or send an application to any person of the applicant's acquaintance living in the USA and submit the application with a money order/cashier's check purchased from any agency in the USA.
NO REFUNDS: Fees, once received by the Embassy, cannot be refunded, even if the application is withdrawn or service cannot be rendered.
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